Sunday 6 April 2008

21 again,

well its been and gone ,had a lovely day ,i went for a meal this afternoon with my daughter Kelly and her boyfriend Mark and Mark's mum ,son jack and other daughter Lauren .and grandson kye who's still not well,Andy didn't come he was to ill as well,i got some lovely flowers from two friends ,some nice clothes and chocs and bits ,a electric knife from in laws which i needed,what a cold day i cant believe this weather at the moment,at tea time my in laws came round with a cake that cilla made it was lovely ,then my neighbour came round with a cake what she made as well ,iv never had a birthday cake let alone two,then i went to bingo with my friend carol we won a little back so it was nice ,got embarrassed when they announced my birthday ,was nice though,any way its all over till next year,Andy has got worse again over the weekend his got so weak and feels very tired ,and his not eating allot ,still breathless he nearly fell backwards down the stairs this morning ,if i hadn't been their to grab him he would of fell ,so tomorrow he is seeing the doctor ,he cant seem to get his words out it almost like his drunk but his not ,and its not his blood sugar because that can make funny ,so me and his parents are really worried ,any way the pic is me Lauren and Kelly,taken today at lock keepers in worksop,ttfnxx


Rachel's Diary said...

Glad you had a nice B day missus!!!! You WELL deserve it... hope Ndy Ok .. he is worrying us all! xxxx Paul has wanted to come and see him but Pauls cold is on his chest now and he is scared of giving it to Andy xxx CU 2 MO

Kelly said...

Is sharon still in hospital? do they know whats wrong with her yet?

Love Kelly