Wednesday 19 March 2008

Andy's in manchester,

well i cant believe it ,Andy phoned me today from hospital and said ,their keeping me in because i need a blood transfusion, Andy had been passing blood he told me last night that he didn't feel well and that he was passing a little old blood ,and had pain again ,so me and his dad went to hospital northern gen (Sheffield)and took over night bag with us ,i new Andy was not right,because last two night Andy has been breathless and when he lays down he sounds worse like moaning in his sleep,that is when he was asleep i no his had two bad nights ,when we got to the hospital a doctor was with Andy he said to us that Andy will need some blood and after that he is being transferred to Manchester,because off complications with the pancreas on the bowel and the bleeding they will have to remove it,they cant do it at Sheffield so they will do it at Manchester royal infirmary,i talked to Andy ten minuets ago and he has just got there,(so good luck love and hope you don't have surgery tonight want to be there when you wake).i cant help thinking that all this would be over if they had sent him their ten days ago ,Andy said to me he just wants it out now ,he knows if they don't take it out it would cause more problems,at least his their now and hopefully they will take it might not here from me for a few days as i will be in Manchester so ttfn,xx the pic is a view off the pennines we will be driving across tomorrow ,stunning views,

1 comment:

Rachel's Diary said...

fingers crossed for him sharon xxxxxxxxx