Sunday 16 March 2008


today Andy had to have dialysis because he has excess fluid on ,so his dad took him at 8-15 they didn't get back till about 1-30,he looks better for it ,last night i went to my friends Rachel and Paul's for Irish night ,it was great,Andy's mum and dad came and there was other friends there that we know ,Andy didn't come because he didn't feel well ,Rachel cooked a lovely meal all Irish food, and she made a lovely bannoffee pie ,listened to music and had a great laugh Paul and Rachel played there instruments and sang a song,it was funny,loved it ,thanks Rach and Paul ,i drunk a bottle off wine last night so i have been a bit hungover today,iv not had alcohol since Christmas so not used to drinking ,i had my grandson today and i had to cook a roast dinner for 7 people with hangover ,but maneged it.i tried to have a nap this afternoon but kye was too full off beans into every thing,tonight i went to bingo with friend Carole ,didn't win a penny ,never mind ,might win Wednesday ,lol,hopefully I'm going to get a lie in bed tomorrow ,no kids at home and no baby to look after tomorrow ,

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