Tuesday 17 June 2008

Hospitals again,

its been a while since i wrote my blog because i got addicted to facebook so here goes,nearly two weeks ago i had to go to A and E with my son jack because he had a lot off pain in his middles,when we got there jack was in quiet allot off pain but after half an hour the pain went, so i thought hope he wasn't putting it on ,but he wasn't ,,,he was telling the nurse that he got kicked there at school twice that day ,which i knew nothing about till then ,any way they examined him and took some blood and decided to keep jack in for the night ,so i stayed with him ,in the morning the surgeon came and had a talk with us and it was decided that jack needed a operation to strap on of his testicles down ,so within a hour jack was having a operation ,his dad and step mum drove up from down south worried sick ,which was really nice off them ,and it cheered jack up,the operation wasn't long ,but after jack was in a lot of pain for a few days ,the Doctor said to keep him off school for two weeks ,its been ten days and jack is back to normal,he has a check up in a weeks time then its back to school,thank god ,,,,,,,,, and then Monday evening andy was in a lot of pain in his leg and all weekend he had a temperature and not feeling well at all ,so when i saw he could hardly walk i had a look at his leg and he had a funny looking rash from his ankle up to his thigh it was like blood spot rash ,so i phoned the doctor and we went straight to the surgery to see him ,the doctor took a look at him and said im sending you to hospital for further tests we don't want to leave this as it might be serious ,so we ended up at A and E again ,they kept Andy in for more test and put him on antibiotics ,tomorrow he is going to Sheffield for dialysis then he has to go back to worksop ,cant wait for the new dialysis centre at worksop it will so much easier, so at the moment we dont really no whats wrong ,but Andy says he feels a bit better today,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it was my grandson kye 2nd birthday two weeks ago ,he got spoilt like they do ,but it made me realise how fast time has gone by,,,ttfn,xxx

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